четверг, 5 декабря 2013 г.

ServiceStack performance in mono part 3

In previous post I benchmarked various HTTP mono backends in linux and found that Nginx+mono-server-fastcgi pair is very slow in comparison with others. There was several times difference in number of served requests per second! So two questions were raised: the first is "Why is so slow?" and second "What can be done to improve performance?". In this post I'll try to answer to both questions

Why is so slow?

Let's profile fastcgi mono server. You should remember that profiling can be enabled by setting appropriate MONO_OPTIONS environment variable. If you don't you can read about web servers profiling options in the first part

After running profile I've got the results

Total(ms) Self(ms)      Calls Method name
  243637        4       1002 (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.ApplicationHost:ProcessRequest (Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.Responder)
  140963        4        591 (wrapper runtime-invoke) :runtime_invoke_void__this___object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr)
  140863       60        501 Mono.FastCgi.Server:OnAccept (System.IAsyncResult)
  140570       25        501 Mono.FastCgi.Connection:Run ()
  129977        3        501 Mono.FastCgi.Request:AddInputData (Mono.FastCgi.Record)
  129971        5        501 Mono.FastCgi.ResponderRequest:OnInputDataReceived (Mono.FastCgi.Request,Mono.FastCgi.DataReceivedArgs)
  129964        0        501 Mono.FastCgi.ResponderRequest:Worker (object)
  129963        1        501 Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.Responder:Process ()
  129959       34        501 (wrapper xdomain-invoke) Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.ApplicationHost:ProcessRequest (Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.Responder)
  122777        3        501 (wrapper xdomain-dispatch) Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.ApplicationHost:ProcessRequest (object,byte[]&,byte[]&)
  113673        3        501 Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.ApplicationHost:ProcessRequest (Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.Responder)
  112227       14        501 Mono.WebServer.BaseApplicationHost:ProcessRequest (Mono.WebServer.MonoWorkerRequest)
  112205        2        501 Mono.WebServer.MonoWorkerRequest:ProcessRequest ()
  111942        2        501 System.Web.HttpRuntime:ProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpWorkerRequest)
  111761        3        501 System.Web.HttpRuntime:RealProcessRequest (object)
  111745       11        501 System.Web.HttpRuntime:Process (System.Web.HttpWorkerRequest)
  110814        7        501 System.Web.HttpApplication:System.Web.IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext)
  110785        7        501 System.Web.HttpApplication:Start (object)
  110148       14        501 System.Web.HttpApplication:Tick ()
  110133      346        501 System.Web.HttpApplication/c__Iterator1:MoveNext ()
   73347       92       6012 System.Web.HttpApplication/c__Iterator0:MoveNext ()
   64025       32        501 System.Web.Security.FormsAuthenticationModule:OnAuthenticateRequest (object,System.EventArgs)
   62704      141      21042 Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.WorkerRequest:GetKnownRequestHeader (int)
   62550      250      45647 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader:ReadObject (System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryElement,System.IO.BinaryReader,long&,object&,System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo&)
   62273        5       1002 System.Web.HttpRequest:get_Cookies ()
   62203      134      20040 Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.WorkerRequest:GetUnknownRequestHeaders ()
   56381        6       1002 (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.Responder:GetParameters ()
   56373       34        501 (wrapper xdomain-invoke) Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.Responder:GetParameters ()
   54634      368      44653 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter:WriteObjectInstance (System.IO.BinaryWriter,object,bool)
   51554       16       1514 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter:Deserialize (System.IO.Stream)
   51537       47       1514 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter:NoCheckDeserialize (System.IO.Stream,System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler)
   51531       34      12007 System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:DeserializeCallData (byte[])
   50521       19       1514 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader:ReadObjectGraph (System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryElement,System.IO.BinaryReader,bool,object&,System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[]&)
   48246       46       7536 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader:ReadNextObject (System.IO.BinaryReader)
   47020      999      54096 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader:ReadValue (System.IO.BinaryReader,object,long,System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Type,string,System.Reflection.MemberInfo,int[])
   35051      143      22013 System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:SerializeCallData (object)
   34198        7       1516 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter:Serialize (System.IO.Stream,object)
   34190       15       1516 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter:Serialize (System.IO.Stream,object,System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[])
   33354       28       1516 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter:WriteObjectGraph (System.IO.BinaryWriter,object,System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[])
   33253       78       1516 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter:WriteQueuedObjects (System.IO.BinaryWriter)
   29792      539      16549 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter:WriteObject (System.IO.BinaryWriter,long,object)
   28486      656      49652 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter:WriteValue (System.IO.BinaryWriter,System.Type,object)
   26041      101        501 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader:ReadGenericArray (System.IO.BinaryReader,long&,object&)
   24552       16        501 System.Web.HttpApplication:PipelineDone ()
   23851       58        501 System.Web.HttpApplication:OutputPage ()
   23782       20        501 System.Web.HttpResponse:Flush (bool)
   23079      598      16539 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader:ReadObjectContent (System.IO.BinaryReader,System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectReader/TypeMetadata,long,object&,System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo&)
   22542       24        501 (wrapper xdomain-dispatch) Mono.WebServer.FastCgi.Responder:GetParameters (object,byte[]&,byte[]&)
   19536       39       3030 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter:WriteArray (System.IO.BinaryWriter,long,System.Array)
   18377      105        501 System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.ObjectWriter:WriteGenericArray (System.IO.BinaryWriter,long,System.Array)

In profile you can see there are alot of binary serialization calls which take most of the processing time. But if you look into the mono fastcgi code, you don't find any explicit calls of BinarySerializer. What is going on? I hope you've already guessed what caused such overhead in serialization calling in other case let's look on to the picture:

New FastCGI request handler is created for every request from Nginx, than request looks for corresponding web application by HTTP_HOST server variable and after application have found creates new HttpWorkerRequest inside of it, and calls Process method to process it. While processing web application communicates with FastCGI request handler (asks for HTTP headers, returns HTTP response and so on). Because FastCGI request handler and web application are located in different domains all calls between them goes through remoting. Remoting calls binary serialization for objects are passed and this makes application slow. I'd rather say remoting makes application VERY VERY VERY SLOW if you pass complex types between endpoints. It's a prime evil of distributed applications which need to be performant. Don't use remoting if you have another choice to communicate between your apps.

OK, we found, that fastcgi server actively uses remoting inside of it and this can reduce performance. But is the remoting only one thing which dramatically reduces the performance? Maybe FastCGI protocol itself is a very slow and we couldn't use fast and reliable mono web server with nginx?

To check this I decided to write simple application based on mono-server-fastcgi source code. The application should instantly return "Hello, world!" http response for every http request without using remoting. If I could write such app and it would be more performant, I would proved that more reliable web server could be created.

Proof of concept

I took FastCGI server sources and wrote my own network server based on async sockets. From the old sources I only got FastCGI record parser, all other I rid off. After the simple app has been completed, I made a benchmarks

Before publishing results, let's remember benchmarks of mono-server-fastcgi were maden in previous post.

Configurationrequests/secStandart deviationstd dev %Comments
Nginx+fastcgi-server+ServiceStack571.368.811.54Memory Leaks
Nginx+fastcgi-server hello.html409.489.142.23Memory Leaks
Nginx+fastcgi-server hello.aspx458.559.892.16Memory Leaks, Crashes
Nginx+proxy xsp4+ServiceStack1402.3345.423.24Unstable Results, Errors

This benchmarks were maden with Apache ab tool using 10 concurrent requests. You can see, that fastcgi mono server performs 400-500 requests per second. In new benchmarks I additionally variate number of concurrent requests to see influence on the results. The command was
ab -n 100000 -c <concurency> http://testurl

Nginx configuration:

 server {
         listen   81;
         server_name  ssbench3;
         access_log   /var/log/nginx/ssbench3.log;
         location / {
                 root /var/www/ssbench3/;
                 index index.html index.htm default.aspx Default.aspx;
                 fastcgi_index Default.aspx;
                 include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;

Benchmark results:

Nginx fastcgi settingsConcurencyRequests/SecStandart deviationstd dev %
TCP sockets102619.5649.951.83
TCP sockets202673.19819.430.72
TCP sockets302681.16615.830.59

Significant difference isn't it? These results give us a hope, that we can increase throughoutput of fastcgi server if we change the architecture and remove remoting communication from it. By the way there is a room to increase performance. Are you ready to go further?

Faster higher stronger

Next step I've done I switched connumication between nginx and server from TCP sockets to Unix sockets. Config and results

 server {
         listen   81;
         server_name  ssbench3;
         access_log   /var/log/nginx/ssbench3.log;
         location / {
                 root /var/www/ssbench3/;
                 index index.html index.htm default.aspx Default.aspx;
                 fastcgi_index Default.aspx;
                 fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/fastcgi.socket;
                 include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;


Nginx fastcgi settingsConcurencyRequests/SecStandart deviationstd dev %
Unix sockets102743.62240.911.49
Unix sockets202952.24467.862.29
Unix sockets302949.11886.192.92

It gained up to 5-10%. Not so bad but I want to increase performance more better, because when we'll change simple http response from fastcgi request handler to real ASP.NET process method we will loose a lot of performance points.

One of the questions, answer to it could help to increase performance: is there a way to keep connection between nginx and fastcgi server instead of create it for every request? In above configurations nginx requires to close connection from fastcgi server to approve end of processing request. By the way FastCGI protocol has EndRequest command and keeping connection and using EndRequest command instead of closing connection could save huge amount of time in processing small requests. Fortunately, nginx has support of such feature, it's called keepalive. I enabled keepalive and set minimal number of open connections to 32 between nginx and my server. I choosen this number, because it was higher than the maximum number of concurrent requests I did with ab.

 upstream fastcgi_backend {  
#   server;
    server unix:/tmp/fastcgi.socket;
    keepalive 32;
 server {
         listen   81;
         server_name  ssbench3;
         access_log   /var/log/nginx/ssbench3.log;
         location / {
                 root /var/www/ssbench3/;
                 index index.html index.htm default.aspx Default.aspx;
                 fastcgi_index Default.aspx;
                 fastcgi_keep_conn on;
                 fastcgi_pass fastcgi_backend;
                 include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
Nginx fastcgi settingsConcurencyRequests/SecStandart deviationstd dev %
TCP sockets. KeepAlive103720.2349.361.33
TCP sockets. KeepAlive303907.8580.482.06
Unix sockets. KeepAlive104024.678122.333.04
Unix sockets. KeepAlive204458.71472.871.63
Unix sockets. KeepAlive304482.64819.400.43

Wow! That is a huge performance gains! Up to 50% compared with previous results! So I thought this is enough for proof of concept and I could start to create more faster fastcgi mono web server. To proove my thought I made simple .NET web server (without nginx), which always returns "Hello, world!" http response and test it with ab. It shows me ~5000 reqs/sec and this is close to my fastcgi proof of concept server

HyperFastCGI server

The target is clear now. I am going to create fast and reliable fastcgi server for mono, which can serve in second as much requests as possible and be stable. Unfortunatly it cannot be maden as just performance tweaking of current mono fastcgi server. The architecture needs to be changed to avoid cross-domain calls while processing requests.

What I did:

  • I wrote my own connection handling using async sockets. It should also decrease processor usage, but I did not compare servers by this parameter.
  • I totally rewrote FastCGI packets parsing, trying to decrease number of operations needed to handle them.
  • I changed the architecture by moving FastCGI packet handling to the same domain, where web application is located.
  • Currently there are no known memory leaks when processing requests.
This helped to improve performance of the server, here are the benchmarks:
UrlNginx fastcgi settings/ConcurencyRequests/SecStandart deviationstd dev %
/hello.aspxTCP keepalive/101404.17424.931.78
/servicestack/jsonTCP keepalive/101671.1521.401.28
/servicestack/jsonTCP keepalive/201718.15841.462.41
/servicestack/jsonTCP keepalive/301752.6934.561.97
/servicestack/jsonUnix sockets keepalive/101755.5540.302.30
/servicestack/jsonUnix sockets keepalive/201817.48839.302.16
/servicestack/jsonUnix sockets keepalive/301822.98436.482.00

The performance compared to original mono fastcgi server raised up serveral times! But this is not enough. While testing I found that threads created and destroyed very often. Creation of threads is expensive operation and I decided to increase minimal number of threads in threadpool. I added new option /minthreads to the server and set it to /minthreads=20,8 which means that there will be at least 20 running working threads in threadpool and 8 IO threads (for async sockets communications).

/minthreads=20,8 benchmarks:

UrlNginx fastcgi settings/ConcurencyRequests/SecStandart deviationstd dev %
/servicestack/jsonTCP keepalive/102041.24623.181.14
/servicestack/jsonTCP keepalive/202070.0810.950.53
/servicestack/jsonTCP keepalive/302093.52624.271.16
/servicestack/jsonUnix sockets keepalive/102156.75437.741.75
/servicestack/jsonUnix sockets keepalive/202182.77442.961.97
/servicestack/jsonUnix sockets keepalive/302268.67628.391.25

Such easy thing gives performance boost up to 20%!

Finally, I place all nginx configurations benchmarks in one chart

At the end I say that HyperFactCgi server can be found at github. Currently it's not well tested, so use it at your own risk. But at least all ServiceStack(v3) WebHosts.Integration tests which passed with XSP passed with HyperFastCgi too. To install HyperFastCgi simply do:

git clone https://github.com/xplicit/HyperFastCgi.git
cd HyperFastCgi
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr && make
sudo make install

configuration options are the same as mono-server-fastcgi plus few new parameters:
/minthreads=nw,nio - minimal number of working and iothreads
/maxthreads=nw,nio - maximal number of working and iothreads
/keepalive=<true|false> - use keepalive feature or not. Default is true
/usethreadpool=<true|false> - use threadpool for processing requests. Default is true

If HyperFastCgi server be interesting to others for using it in production I am going to improve it. What can be improved:

  • Support several virtual paths in one server.Currently only one web application is supported
  • Write unit tests to be sure, that the server is working properly
  • Catch and properly handle UnloadDomain() command from ASP.NET. This command is raised when web.config is changed or under some health checking by web-server. (Edit: already done)
  • Add management and monitoring application which shows server statistics (number of requests serverd and so on) and recommends performance tweaks
  • Additional performance improvements

HyperFastCgi server source code
ServiceStack performance in mono. Part 1
ServiceStack performance in mono. Part 2

ServiceStack performance in mono. Part 4

5 комментариев:

  1. I'd be very interested in seeing more development on this.

  2. Have you seen evhttp-sharp? It's a wrapper around evhttp from libevent which someone wrote for C#. It performs extremely well (see nancy-libevent and evhttp-sharp in this benchmark: http://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r8&hw=i7&test=json&s=2&l=2 ). I would be curious to see how your implementation compares.

  3. This is a great study, very thoughtful.

    At the end, you determine that serving hello.aspx is fastest with XSP4 alone. Would you still recommend using that over nginx?

    Thanks, Michael.

    1. Michael,

      I would not recommend to use XSP4 for hosting web forms applications which can handle large amount or requests. It does not designed to handle AppDomain unload event, which can occur during web-server working cycle. More info about it you can read here http://forcedtoadmin.blogspot.ru/2013/12/unexpected-unloading-of-mono-web.html. In few words: if you have not precompile your .aspx files your server goes down after serving 160K-170K requests, and absence of precompiled pages is not the only reason which can raise this event.

      By the way, you can use HyperFastCgi server (http://github.com/xplicit/HyperFastCgi) to serve your web-forms application. It handles properly AppDomain unload event (I've tested it with 10 millions requests to *.aspx page and there was not denial of service, nor memory leaks). Also, nginx + HyperFastCgi has better performace than nginx with proxy to xsp4 and just little less than xsp4 standalone.

    2. Very many thanks for that explanation. I've read a great deal on XSP versus Apache versus Nginx. Many say "Don't use XSP in production" but never explain _why_, and that's important to me - HyperFastCgi here I come!

      I really appreciate your in-depth study of mono on linux - I love the fact that I can develop on my Mac and deploy my C# applications on Linux.

      A first class blog, thanks again.
